Hey, why is it not free?
We know that the vast majority of services on the internet are free to use. However, it is not true. Since there are many costs associated with running a website, these services sell your personal information or put advertisements (which track you). We chose to have a subscription model to be able to keep your data private. It is our goal. Moreover, $2 per month is so low that you will not even notice, but it keeps our servers running.
Can I try passw.one for free?
Sure! We are pleased to offer you a three-month free trial. You only need to provide your email address to create an account. We do not ask for anything else. Only if you choose to continue using passwd.one after the free trial period, you will provide your credit card information.
What is the cost of passwd.one?
If you choose to continue to use passwd.one after the free trial period, the fee is a very modest $2 (without tax) per month.